Spanish language: translations

Переводы с испанского

After Chinese, the majority of people speak Spanish. It has gained such extension because the country of conquistadors previously conducted active colonial policy.

It is one of the official languages of EU. And it is official in more than 20 countries.  It belongs to Indo-European (Romance) family. Due to this Spanish and Italian have so much in common.

Professional translators in agency “ AG Translation service”, including native speakers make professional translations from/into Spanish as follows:

• Legal texts

• Technical texts (engineering, technology, transport, industry, etc.)

• Business

• Medicine and biological sciences

• Hardware and software

• Trade

• Advertising

• PR

The list of services listed above is not complete. Also our “AG Translation service” agency provides websites translation and localization into Spanish.

If you would like to make order, please make it online or give us a call! By making online calculation of an order you can see all translation costs.

Cost of translation into Spanish is from 400 RUB/page

Cost of translation from Spanish is from 350 RUB/page


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